

    MRS. BALL 

    Classroom Rules and Procedures 

    All classroom rules and expectations will be discussed with students at the beginning of the year, so every student is aware of the expectations/consequences that will follow if they fail to adhere to the classroom rules. These expectations/consequences will also have been outlined in a classroom assignment students will have completed along with signatures from each student acknowledging their understanding of the expectations/consequences that will be placed in their student file. 

    Students will be addressed individually with a concern if Mrs. Ball feels they have not followed the classroom rules. Students will be treated respectfully as young adults at all times. All discipline within the classroom will be documented within the students' classroom file if needed to refer back to at any time.


    At all Times 



    • NO CELL PHONES ALLOWED in the classroom. (See posted cell phone policy at front of classroom.) 
    • NO EARBUDS ALLOWED in the classroom.
    • No food or drinks are permitted. Water is permitted with a lid. 
    • Use a smartpass to leave the room. One student at a time. No passes are granted within the first 10 minutes per school policy. 
    • Do not sharpen pencils, throw things away, get paper, etc. when I am talking. 
    • When someone is speaking, you need to be listening.  When you have a question, raise your hand and wait to be called upon. 
    • Do not bother others when they are working.  You need to be respectful so that everyone has the opportunity to learn. 

    Entering/ Before Class 


    • Come in quietly 
    • Go to your assigned seat 
    • Get out your pencil and paper, charged chromebook, textbook, and previous day's assignment.    

    Independent Work Time 


    • You may sharpen pencils, throw things away, get paper, etc. when you need to during this time. 
    • You may come to my desk and ask questions whenever you need to, you don’t have to raise your hand during independent work time. 
    • When you are given time to work in class, you are expected to be working on social studies assignments.   

    Computer Usage    

    • Treat classroom Chromebooks with respect.   
    • Your Chromebook is for classroom purposes only.  No gaming, chatting or YOUTUBE unless specifically allowed. 
    • Stay on task  
    • Make sure you follow directions and complete assignments as expected. 
    • If you have technology issues, ask for help.  

    Turning in Assignments 


    • I will give specific directions for turning in assignments when it is assigned or on the day that it is due.   
    • If you were absent, you have the number of days absent to make it up. If the work was requested before or when you were gone, it is due upon return.   
    • It is YOUR responsibility to check with me when you return from an absence for the work you missed. Mrs. Ball's school website will be updated with lessons. Check it there.  
    • Absent work will be turned directly into Mrs. Ball. 

    Ending Class 


    • Class ends when I tell you, NOT when the bell rings. No lining up at door. 
    • Clean up the area around your desk (Sanitize if instructed) 
    • Make sure you have all your belongings  
    • Quietly leave the classroom 



    • Be prepared - lock and EMERGENCY folder in a clear bin 
    • Stay calm 
    • Follow the school procedures for all emergency situations 
    • If there is a substitute teacher in the room, please help this person to follow the procedures. 


    • Failure to adhere to the above rules will result in a lunch detention with Mrs. Ball.
    • Lunch detentions not served within two lunch periods following the infraction will result in the following class periods spent with administration rather than in the classroom until the issue has been resolved. 
    • Learning/assignments are still the students' responsibility while out of the classroom and will be due upon return. 
Last Modified on September 5, 2023