• Lincoln School Procedures - Click Here :)

    Lincoln School Procedures: 


    Recess:  Students will have recess 2 times per day.  One recess during lunchtime & one in the afternoon.  Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. 

    Water Bottles:  Please  provide water bottles

    Snack:  please send a healthy snack for morning snack time. 


    Extra Clothes: Labeled gallon Ziploc bags with extra clothes and masks for each student is greatly appreciated.


    Lunches:  If students have cold lunch- the preference is a brown lunch bag that can be thrown away rather than a lunch box- although lunch boxes are allowed, paper bags are preferred. 


    Entry/Exit at the Beginning and end of the day   Mrs. Jacques’ Students will enter in the BLUE doors in the morning and be dismissed at the end of the day at BLUE DOORS 


    Behavior system in our classroom-   To support positive behavior in the classroom, I will use positive slips given to students for following the 4 B’s (Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Be Ready to Learn)   

    Transportation:  Please let me know how your child will come and go from school.  Bus, walk, shuttle, pick-up or drop off, etc.  Transportation needs everyone to re-register this year so they can assign seats, and follow the new health related laws.   

     It is very important that I know how each student will be getting home at the end of the day-  

    Medication Forms:  If your child takes medicine during the day that needs to be administered by office staff, or has an inhaler, epipen, diabetic items, etc.  kept at the office, there is a form to fill out that will need their physician’s signature.  Also note, this includes cough drops, headache medicine, etc  Our Secretary, Jody Kapuscinski,  has the forms that you will need.     

    Visitors to the building:  At this time, only staff and students are allowed to be in the school building. Parents will be allowed in the office area if they are signing their child in or out, otherwise parents will meet their children outside of the building.      After School Program     It begins Monday, September 12th.   The form can be found on the homepage of the Lincoln School website under announcements. ( Thank you Jody)   Parents can download it and scan it back to me or Jody or drop it off at school.    The program still runs 4-5:30.  




Last Modified on August 30, 2022