• Course Description:


    Transition Skills  is a two hour block  class designed to give students an opportunity to work on skills for employment, resume writing, and the skills necessary to begin advocating for themselves.  Students will write resumes, learn and practice interviewing skills, learn about different job opportunities, complete weekly activities based on transition skills, learn to use proper social etiquette to address co-workers, and learn organizational skills necessary to be successful employees. During the second semester, students will be placed at job opportunities throughout the community and schools. During this time, they will complete weekly time sheets.


    Class Expectations:


    Students will be expected to work independently and in small groups to complete required course work.  Time will also be spent on enrichment activities that target each student's IEP goals.  There will be no homework assigned, however, students are expected to use class time productively.  During the second semester, students will be required to be present at their job site and use the skills necessary to complete the job requirements.


    Be Safe: Use school equipment and supplies properly.

    Be Respectful    Follow directions the first time they are given.

    Be Responsible: Stay on task during work time.

    Be Ready to Learn: Arrive on time to the classroom and job site.




    Students will receive a letter grade for Transition Skills.  Grades will be based on weekly time sheets for their job site, assignments, and a midterm or final exam.


    Weekly Assignments 60%

    Weekly Grade Report   20%

    Midterm/Final Exam 20%

    Teacher Availability:I  will be available for extra help before and after school. I will also be available during the time students are at job sites to monitor their progress through the site supervisor.