Debra Gardner – Room 209


    Schedule and Contact Information:

    1st hour – PreCalculus                                          4th hour – Honors Geometry           6th hour – Geometry

    2nd hour – AP Computer Science Principles        5th hour – Conference                     7th hour – Honors Geometry

    3rd hour – PreCalculus

    If you would like to speak with me, you may call 635-3839, ext. 5869 and leave a message. My email is dgardner@eupschools.org if you would prefer to correspond with me in this manner.

    WEBSITE: https://www.saultschools.org/Page/903


    COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed for preparation in the study of calculus. It is ideally suited for students who are interested in continuing their study of mathematics. PreCalculus focuses upon a study of periodic functions of real variables. Students will study the theorems and formulas bearing upon the relations among the side and angles of the triangle. The course also emphasizes vectors, parametric equations, sequences, series, and the basic concepts of limits. Algebra, geometry, and the graphing calculator are utilized in the course and the student should have a working knowledge of these concepts.


    PREREQUISITE: “B-“ or better in Honors Geometry and Algebra 2; Career and College Ready SAT Math Score or teacher recommendation


    PURPOSE STATEMENT: This is a college prep class and will be taught with the emphasis of preparing you for college level work.  You should not be surprised when you are working hard in class or you are being asked to complete tasks that you find challenging.  You will be expected to spend time outside of the classroom to be successful in this course. If you work hard and master the skills that I am introducing to you, I believe you will find a great deal of satisfaction in what you can accomplish.


    COURSE CONTENT: This course will cover units that include the following concepts: Trigonometric Functions, Graphs of Trig Functions, Trig Identities and Equations, Vectors and Parametric Equations, Sequences and Series, and Limits. Additional topics will be added as time allows.



    The class grade will be determined by performance in the following areas:

    Homework: (10% of Grade) Students will be required to complete each of the assigned problems. Assignments are graded on completeness and effort, not on how many problems the student has correct.  Homework papers will be “spot checked” at the end of the unit, which may result in a loss of points. Late assignments will only be accepted due to excused absences.

    Quizzes: (20% of Grade) Students can expect to have a couple of quizzes in each unit.

    Tests: (70% of Grade) Tests will be given at the end of each unit.  Tests will not only assess the skill sets of each unit, but also include application and higher order thinking questions.  On average, there will be three tests a term.

    Test Retakes:  Test retakes are available at the teacher's discretion. Any student wishing to retest on a unit should make an appointment with me to discuss the option.


    GRADING SCALE: Students will receive a term grade per the following scale:

    Percent:           Letter Grade:                           Percent:           Letter Grade:

    93-100%                     A                                 73-76%                       C

    90-92%                       A-                                70-72%                       C-

    87-89%                       B+                               67-69%                       D+

    83-86%                       B                                 63-66%                       D

    80-82%                       B-                                60-62%                       D-

    77-79%                       C+                               0-59%                         E

    Our school employs a semester grading system with report cards issued to students four (4) times during the school year.  A term will be approximately nine (9) weeks. Final grades are calculated on a semester basis.  Final grade calculation is based on 40% for each of two marking periods and 20% of the final exam.


    HOMEWORK POLICY: Students are expected to complete homework assignments.  Students will turn in all papers in a unit on the day of the test.  Late assignments will be accepted only due to absences.


    MAKE-UP POLICY:  While attendance in school is understood to be a major indicator of student success, I realize there will be times when a student will be absent.  For this reason, make-up work will be evaluated as follows: one day for every day you are absent will be given for make-up homework. If a student is absent on a quiz day, the student will make up the evaluation the next day in class.  If a student is absent on a test day, the student shall have until the end of the next unit to make up the evaluation. If the make-up work is not completed by the time it is due, the student shall receive a zero. It is the responsibility of the student to get their homework assignment upon return from an absence. No late homework will be accepted. I will post a tentative weekly schedule on my website.


    ATTENDANCE POLICY: As per the student handbook, students are allowed ten (10) unexcused absences per semester. Once a student has passed the limit, any work or assessments given on the day of an unexcused absence will be given a zero. At this point, the student must pass the class with a minimum of a 60% and achieve a “C” on the semester exam to get credit for the course.   Absences excused by a medical professional, school related absences, or those excused by an administrator will not be counted against the student.



    Materials: Students will need paper, and a pencil. These materials are required for every class period unless told otherwise by the teacher. Students may be assigned a textbook to take home or use the online textbook for which a user name and password can be found on my school website. Although I have a classroom set of calculators, it is also suggested that students have a calculator for use at home. A graphing calculator is not required for the course however, it is very highly recommended. There are instructions on my website to download a free online graphing calculator.

    Guidelines for Success: Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Ready to Learn

    Classroom Rules1. Come to class on time, 2. Be prepared to work, 3. Stay on task, and 4. No Cell Phones, Personal Electronic Devices, or Headphones Allowed. Visible electronics will be confiscated and taken to the office.



    • CHEATING: Any student suspected of cheating or has a cell phone out during a quiz or a test, will receive a zero for that assessment.
    • TEACHER AVAILABILITY: I will be available for tutoring in the morning and after school. Students may also schedule times before or after school to make up missed tests or quizzes. Parents may phone before or after school to discuss any concerns that may arise or to schedule a meeting with the teacher.
      • Cell Phones
      • I understand that cell phones could be a potential resource during classroom instruction, however I have found that most students do not have the self-discipline to not text, email, snap chat, etc. during class.  Because of this, cell phones are not allowed in class without permission.  Visible electronic devices will be confiscated and taken to the office
    • Chromebooks/tablets, etc.
      • These devices may only be used if we are working on a classroom activity that requires them or with the permission of the teacher.
    • Calculator Policy
      • Technology can be a powerful tool in mathematics.  Throughout this course, there may be some assessments where the use of a calculator or graphing calculator is prohibited.  For assessments where graphing calculators are allowed, students will be required to use a classroom provided calculator.

     I anticipate that we will have a full and rewarding school year.  Please do not hesitate to contact me at any time with questions you may have about the course.

    ** The terms of this document may change at any time.


    Please sign and return the bottom portion of this page to verify that you have read the contents of the syllabus.  Thank you!



Last Modified on August 30, 2022