Annual Education Report
Annual Education Report
PHONE 906-635-6609 - FAX 906-635-6642
January 5, 2022
Dear Parents and Community Members:
We are pleased to present you with the Annual Education Report (AER) which provides key information on the 2021-22 educational progress for Sault Area Public Schools and our schools. The AER addresses the complex reporting information required by federal and some requirements of state laws. Our staff is available to help you understand this information. Please contact Amy Scott-Kronemeyer, for help if you need assistance.
Sault Area Public Schools AER is available for you to review electronically by visiting the following web site or you may review a copy in the main office at your child’s school. Each school will also be communicating their own AER to parents directly.
These reports contain the following information:
Student Assessment Data
Includes the following three assessments: M-STEP (Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress), MI-Access (Alternate Assessment), and College Board SAT
Presents assessment information for English language arts and mathematics for grades 3 to 8 and 11, and MI-Access science for grades 4, 7, and 11, compared to state averages for all students as well as subgroups of students.
Educator Qualification Data
Identifies the number and percentage of inexperienced teachers, principals, and other school leaders
Reports teachers who are teaching with emergency or provisional credentials
Includes teachers who are not teaching in the subject or field for which they are certified
NAEP Data (National Assessment of Educational Progress)
Provides state results of the national assessment in mathematics and reading every other year in grades 4 and 8
Civil Rights Data
Provides information on school quality, climate and safety
Review the table below listing our schools. For the 2021-22 school year, schools had key initiatives to accelerate learning. We do not have any schools needing corrective action.
School Name |
Key Initiative to Accelerate Achievement |
Washington Elementary |
EBLI for Early Literacy |
Lincoln Elementary |
Content Area Reading |
Sault Area Middle School |
Content Area Reading & Mathematics Mindset |
Sault Area High School |
Integrated Mathematics & Mathematics Mindset |
Malcolm High School |
Graduation/Drop-out Prevention |
The pandemic has changed the landscape of public education and the lives of families. We are proud of our community, parents, staff, and students in working towards keeping our students in school during this challenging time. We know there is much work to be done to help students recover educationally and we resolve to put plans in place to help students persevere. Mental and emotional health will also remain a top priority of the district. As evidenced in this report and the daily work of our team, Sault Area Public Schools remains a great place to learn.
Amy Scott-Kronemeyer