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Professional and Ancillary Staff

Professional and Ancillary Staff

Professional Staff




Buildings Served

Sheri McFarlane Director of Special Education All
Kali Hancock Social Worker Lincoln Elementary
Sault Middle School 
Sault High School
St. Mary's
Angela Craven Social Worker Preschool
Shelly Smith Social Worker  Washington Elementary
Malcom/Soo Twp.


Ancillary Staff



Buildings Served

Gary Garn Hearing Impaired/Vision Impaired Consultant  All
Michelle Callaghan Speech and Language Pathologist Washington Elementary Sault Middle School
Elizabeth Curtis Speech and Language Pathologist Soo Twp. ECDD
Rachel Denis Speech and Language Pathologist Sault High School
Lisa Goulet Speech and Language Pathologist SEECS
Kristin Robbins Speech and Language Pathologist Lincoln Elementary
Susan Drockton Speech and Language Pathologist Malcom High School, Sault Middle School, Sault High School, St. Mary's
Amie Covel Occupational Therapist Washington Elementary, Sault High School, St. Mary's
Kara Steinman Occupational Therapist Lincoln Elementary
Sault Middle School
Beth Ortiz Physical Therapist All