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Bus Rules and Bus Conduct Procedures

Bus Rules and Bus Conduct Procedures

Expected Behaviors for Students

  1. Pupils are expected to conform to the requests of the bus drivers and help to assure safety at all times.
  2. Be on time at designated bus stops  at least 5 minutes early. The bus cannot wait.
  3. Expect to walk at least one-half mile to bus stop, if necessary.
  4. Stay off roadway at all times while waiting for the school bus. No pushing or shoving.
  5. Cross at least 10 feet in front of bus when crossing on roadway, not in back of bus.
  6. Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop, and red lights are on, before attempting to enter or leave the bus. Stay seated until the bus has stopped.
  7. Do not leave the bus without the driver’s permission.
  8. Occupy the seat assigned to you by the driver. When seated, keep feet out of aisles. Report any damaged seats to the bus driver.
  9. If the bus is crowded, seat three in a seat starting from the back of the bus and working forward.
  10. Sit upright with feet on the floor.
  11. Keep hands and head inside the bus at all times.
  12. Avoid unnecessary and disturbing noises; do not shout at passing persons or vehicles.
  13. Talk only to students sitting near you, in a low, normal inside voice.
  14. Use no bad or inappropriate language.
  15. Help keep the bus clean, sanitary, and orderly.
  16. Be considerate of other students. No hitting, throwing things, teasing or harassing.
  17. No eating or drinking on the bus.
  18. Make sure that you are prepared to exit once the bus has stopped.


Procedures for Violation of Rules

1st Offense: Verbal warning of infraction (notification to child that he/she is doing something wrong).

2nd Offense: Written warning of infraction in the form of a Bus Conduct Report. Must be signed by parent/guardian and returned to the driver in order to return to busing.

3rd Offense: Bus Conduct Report with a one to three day suspension from busing. Must be signed by parent/guardian and returned to the driver prior to returning to busing.

4th Offense: Bus Conduct Report with a one week to one month suspension from busing. Must be signed by parent/guardian and returned to the transportation coordinator during a mandatory meeting with the student, parent/guardian, driver and transportation coordinator prior to returning to busing.

5th Offense: Bus Conduct Report with a one month or remainder of the semester suspension from busing. Must be signed by parent/guardian and returned to the driver prior to returning to busing.

Severe Disruptions

This includes physical harm to a student, physical harm or threat of physical harm to driver or another student, insubordination toward driver, failure to correctly identify oneself, spitting of any kind, bringing a weapon of any kind on a school bus, being in possession of a controlled substance or flammable substance, causing property damage to the bus. Consequences for severe disruption will be dealt with as a 4th or 5th offense, as decided by the transportation coordinator.

Property Damage

This includes any damage to transportation equipment. Any damage will be assessed to determine the cost of repair, with the student being responsible for these costs. The student will not be allowed to return to busing until all repair costs have been paid, and the Transportation Coordinator approves the students return.