Study Skills Syllabus

  • Study Skills Syllabus

    Mrs. Smith

    (906) 635-3839 ex 5865

    Room 254

    Course Description:


    Study skills is a class designed to give students an opportunity to work on their IEP goals, receive additional time and/or support to complete assignments, and help students develop the skills necessary to begin advocating for themselves.  Students will monitor grades, help create and run their IEP meetings, complete weekly activities based on their IEP goals, learn to use proper social etiquette to address teachers, and learn organizational skills necessary to be successful students.


    Class Expectations:


    Students will bring assignments and materials to class.  Students will be expected to work independently and in small groups to complete required course work.  Time will also be spent on enrichment activities that target IEP goals. Students are expected to use class time productively and complete weekly assignments.  


    Be Safe: Use school equipment and supplies properly.

    Be Respectful: Follow directions the first time they are given.

    Be Responsible: Stay on task during work time.

    Be Ready to Learn: Arrive on time with all homework and supplies. 


    There will be NO cell phone or airpod use during class unless:

    1. All assignments from ALL classes are graded and in MiStar.

    2. Students have a D or higher in ALL classes.

    3. All bell work and grade reports are completed for study skills.

    4. Student has permission from Mrs. Smith to use their cell phone for the hour.


    Cell phone/airpods procedure:

    1. Student will be reminded to put their cell phone/airpods in their pocket (or somewhere not visible to the student and teacher) or in the cell phone pocket chart.  

    * NOTE this is not a daily reminder. Step one may be skipped.

    1. Student will give their cell phone/airpods to Mrs. Smith or put it in the chart and they will get it at the end of the hour.  An email will be sent to parents and guardians.

    2. Mrs. Smith will turn their cell phone into the office for the remainder of the day.

    3. Student will lose all cell phone rights for the remainder of the marking period.




    Students will receive a letter grade for study skills.  Grades will be based on weekly grade reports, assignments, and a midterm or final exam.  All grade reports and bell work will be assigned Monday in google classroom.  Grade reports are due every Monday and Bell Work is due every Friday.  No late work will be accepted without pre approval. Using AI on any assignment or assessment is not allowed.  Students will receive a 0 and will not be allowed to resubmit the assignment. 


    Weekly Grade Reports 20%

    Bell Work 60%

    Midterm/Final Exam 20%


    Google Classroom Codes:  


    Hour 1:  akfc4iy            

    Hour 2: kw3hken

    Hour 3:5elkhfg

    Hour 4: xkodrat

    Teacher Availability:

    Mrs. Smith will be available for extra help before and after school and during lunch B.

Last Modified on August 29, 2023