• 7th Grade Social Studies Syllabus


    MR. Paquin Classroom Rules and Procedures 

    At all Times 



    • NO CELL PHONES ALLOWED in the classroom 
    • Do not sharpen pencils, throw things away, get paper, etc. when I am talking. 
    • When someone is speaking, you need to be listening.  When you have a question, raise your hand and wait to be called upon. 
    • Do not bother others when they are working.  You need to be respectful so that everyone has the opportunity to learn. 
    • Bring a book or something else to work on if you finish with social studies. 

    Entering/ Before Class 


    • Come in quietly 
    • Go to your assigned seat 

    Independent Work Time 


    • You may sharpen pencils, throw things away, get paper, etc. when you need to during this time. 
    • You may come to my desk and ask questions whenever you need to, you don’t have to raise your hand during independent work time. 
    • When you are given time to work in class, you are expected to be working on social studies assignments.   

    Computer Usage    

    • Treat classroom Chromebooks with respect.  Put them back in the cart where they belong and plug them in for the next person. 
    • Your Chromebook is for classroom purposes only.  No gaming, chatting or YOUTUBE unless specifically allowed. 
    • Stay on task  
    • Make sure you follow directions and complete assignments as expected. 
    • If you have technology issues, ask for help :) 

    Turning in Assignments 


    • I will give specific directions for turning in assignments when it is assigned or on the day that it is due.   
    • Assignments / homework that are not completed and turned in during social studies class on their due date are considered late unless you were absent. Late assignments will only be accepted 2 days late.  (15% decreased grade for each day late) After that, the grade will be a zero. 
    •  If you were absent, you have the number of days absent to make it up. If the work was requested before or when you were gone, it is due upon return.   
    • It is YOUR responsibility to check with me when you return from an absence for the work you missed. Mr. Paquin’s school website will be updated with lessons, check there.  
    • Absent work will be turned directly into Mr. Paquin

    Ending Class 


    • Class ends when I tell you, NOT when the bell rings. No lining up at door. 
    • Clean up the area around your desk (Sanitize if instructed) 
    • Make sure you have all your belongings  
    • Quietly leave the classroom 



    • Be prepared - lock and emergency folder in clear bin 
    • Stay calm 
    • Follow the school procedures for all emergency situations 
    • If there is a substitute teacher in the room, please help this person to follow the procedures 

    Course Description:

                    World Geography is a survey course designed to acclimate students with the different regions, peoples, and cultures of the world.  Areas of study include Africa, all parts of Asia, and Eastern and Western Europe from ancient to modern times.  Students will not only learn about the physical characteristics of these regions but will also study the people and civilizations that inhabit them, and how their cultures and lifestyles affect us and the world today.

    1. Daily Homework: There will be a variety of reading assignments and classroom activities that will be completed in and out of class.
    2. Materials: You must bring with you each day:
      1. Planner
      2. Paper 
      3. Writing utensil
      4. Binder or folder to take needed materials home
      5. Headphones or earbuds (plug in) to use with Chromebooks






    1. Be on time! Use the restroom and make sure you have everything you need. If you are not in your seat when the bell rings, you are considered tardy.
    2. Come in quietly, collect your materials, and use the fastest route to your seat. 


    1. I will dismiss you when your materials are put away and your area is clean. 
    2. You may not leave the room without my permission.
    3. Bathroom passes (Smart pass) during class will only be given if it is an emergency. 
    4. You must sign out (Using Smart pass) whenever you leave the classroom during class time.


    1. Late assignments for reasons other than an excused absence will only be accepted 2 days late. The grade on an unexcused late assignment will decrease by 15% each day.  After that, it will result in a zero. 
    2. If you are absent, you have a number of days absent to make assignments up (except quarantine). If the work was requested before you were gone, it is due upon you returning to class.
    3. Final grades are based on the average of scores for the following:

    Classwork/Homework – 50% 

    Assessments (Tests/Quizzes/Projects) – 50%


    1. Homework will be collected at the beginning of class on the day it is due. 
    2.  If you are absent, assignments must be turned in to me.
    3. All homework is due on the due date. Homework is assumed to be due the following day unless otherwise notified. 


    1. When you are absent, it is your responsibility to get the work you missed. Daily lessons and assignments will be posted on the front board.  I am available every day before school and most lunch periods.   Email me anytime with questions
    2. Quarantine rules (if necessary) - you must check Mr. Paquins school website from home and complete the work as directed.  Both lesson plans and assignments will be posted.  Homework is due upon return. 


    1. Lesson and instruction time: Do not get out of your seat while anyone is speaking. It is important that you pay attention. Voice level: 0
    2. Quiet work time: Be respectful of others in the room so that they have the opportunity to learn. If you finish early, you may come to me, and I will check for understanding. If you have a question, raise your hand and wait to be called on. Voice level: 1
    3. Group work, projects and class discussions: During group work or while working on a project you should always be on task.  Participate fully in these activities and contribute to your group. Do NOT work with other groups. Distracting behavior will not be tolerated. Voice level: 2
    4. Test taking: We will be using the Chromebooks as well as paper tests. There is to be zero talking during tests. Voice level: 0



    1. Failure to follow classroom expectations will result in the following consequences:

    1st offense – Verbal warning

    2nd offense – student/teacher conference and parent notified

    3rd offense – Referral to SLC or office


    1. Check the school website for all school information. 
    2. My website will have lesson plans and other information.
    3. We will be using a combination of textbooks, other materials and online texts and resources.
    4. All grades are posted in MiStar and updated weekly. 


    1. Email is the best form of communication dpaquin@eupschools.org
    2. Messages can be left at 906-635-3839 ext.  5751


    We will use Chromebooks in the classroom. You are to use them for classwork only. Any other use will result in a loss of privileges. 

    1. Electronic devices from home (tablets, phone, iPad, iPod, etc.) are not allowed in class.
    2. Earbuds/ headphones must be taken out/ off your ears and will only be allowed when instructed on certain activities.
    3. No social media (Facebook, Instagram, Google chat, etc.).
    4. No gaming or YouTube permitted unless it is specifically required in a classroom assignment.