Phone: 906 635-6604 ext. 5765


Degrees and Certifications:

Masters in the Art of Education

Mrs. Laura Fradl-Harland

My name is Mrs. Laura Fradl-Harland

I have been teaching since 1996, both special needs classrooms and general education classrooms.  I have four grown children who continue to amaze and inspire me.  Being outdoors, helping children to become successful students, and staying close to family have been my life-long goals.

  • 1st Hour - Study Skills Life Skills, Grades 5/6/7/8

    2nd Hour - Study Skills ELA (English Language Arts),  Grades 5/6/7/8

    3rd Hour - Study Skills Mathematics, Grades 5/6/7/8

    4th Hour - Study Skills Science Grades, 5/6/7/8

    5th Hour - Study Skills Social Studies, Grades 5/6/7/8

    6th Hour - Conference (Gym)

    7th Hour - Study Skills Reading, Grades 5/6/7/8

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