• The grading scale for Peer Mentoring is as follows:

                         100-93 is an A            73-76 is a C

    90-92 is an A-            70-72 is a C-

    87-89 is a B+             67-69 is a D+

    83-86 is a B               63-66 is a D

    80-82 is a B-              60-62 is a D-

    77-79 is a C+             0-59 is an E


    Our school employs a semester grading system with report cards issued to students (4) times during the course of the school year.  A term will be approximately nine (9) weeks.  Final grades are calculated on a semester basis.  Final grade calculation is based on 40% for each of two marking periods and 20% of the final exam.    

    Homework Policy:

    All assignments are to be handed in on time. If you are planning an excused absence, or if you have been absent, talk to me and I will get you the necessary work for the time you will be gone.

    Make-up Work:

    While attendance in school is understood to be a major indicator of student success, I realize there will be times when a student will be absent.  For this reason, make-up work will be evaluated as follows: A student will be given one day to turn in work for each day he or she has missed.  A student is allowed ten (10) absences per semester.  Absences excused by a medical professional, school-related absences, and absences excused by an administrator will not be figured into one of the ten (10).

    Classroom Expectations:

    • All students will come to class prepared to learn. You should come to class with the proper items for learning, such as a writing utensil, paper, and any other items necessary.  You should also be attentive during instructional time and give your best effort on all assignments.  Lastly, we are all responsible for making sure that our actions do not distract others in the class from being able to learn.
    • Each student deserves to feel safe expressing his or her thoughts and feelings in the context of our material and the learning process.  Comments or actions unkind to other students will not be tolerated.  
    • I expect that you will treat the classroom staff, as well as each of your classmates, with the same respect.  Therefore, we will not interrupt when others are speaking, we will not take or use things that belong to other people, and we will be considerate of one another.
    • We will not do anything in our classroom that would be a distraction to the ability of other students to learn and other teachers to teach. We will also treat the building, the classroom materials, and the other individuals in the building with respect.  
      • Please observe the expectations of Sault Middle School as outlined in your student handbook.  This can be found at https://www.saultschools.org/Domain/481  No outside food or drinks are allowed in the classroom, except bottled water. There may be cooking activities that you will participate in that coincide with our transition students’ daily living skills activities.
      • Remember the 4 B's! Be safe, Be respectful, Be responsible, and Be ready to learn!

    Classroom Procedures:

    Seating Chart:

    You are expected to sit with your assigned student every day, unless otherwise instructed. We will assign students within the first month of school.

    Paper Headings:

    Please make sure all assignments have your name, date, and class hour listed at the top of the page (where indicated) on all assignments.


    You are tardy if you are not in the classroom when the bell rings.  Tardiness will be handled as per the handbook.


    The bell does not dismiss you at the end of class.  I will dismiss you.  You must be in the classroom until I dismiss you.


    There are to be no cell phones being used in my classroom unless permission is given. If a student is using a cell phone or other electronic device during my class, the device must be willingly handed over to me to be picked up at the end of the hour.

    Concluding Thoughts:

    I anticipate that we will have another full and rewarding school year.  Most students taking this class find their lives enriched in so many ways by the end of the school year. Please do not hesitate to contact me at any time with questions you may have about the course.