Biology Syllabus

Biology 18’-19’

Mr. Arbic


Phone:  635-3839

Teacher Website:


TextbookHolt Biology (Holt Rinehart and Winston 2008)


Overview of Study: (From Course Catalog)  0305101- Biology

Prerequisite: C or higher in Science 8

Biology is the study of all living things, their structure, function, and environment. This includes all life’s processes, from the individual cell to the most complex organism, whether it is plant or animal. Assignments range from basic text to projects. There will be weekly quizzes or chapter tests that include short answer, multiple choice, diagram construction, and essays. Instruction is by lecture, demonstration, discussion, data projector presentations, and specimens/pictures with wall charts for comparison.


Science Requirements at Sault High School:  3.0 credits for graduation, of these 3 credits Biology must be 1. A passing grade in Biology is a graduation requirement.  


Grading:           A (94-100%)    A- (90-93)

                        B+ (87-89)       B (84-86)         B- (80-83)

                        C+ (77-79)       C (74-76)         C- (70-73)

                        D+ (67-69)       D (64-66)         D- (60-63)

                        E (0-59)


Course Content:

  1. Lecture / Discussion – Power point, interactive whiteboard, note-taking recommended.
  2. Daily assignments – bell assignments, book questions, worksheets, internet assignments, clay modeling, illustrations, field work.
  3. Research projects – classroom computers, outside research required
  4. Internet research assignments – Weekly (computers available before and after school for

those students without access to internet at home)

  1. Tests – upon the conclusion of each chapter.  Test re-takes can be scheduled if a student

fails a test with a maximum grade of a “C”. Consecutive test retakes are not allowed.

  1. MAP progress monitoring tests 3 times per year.
  2. Labs – hands on integration of coursework. 


Google classroom will be used as a platform for organization in class.  Copies of notes and worksheets will be accessible in the case of an absence.  Materials will be available all semester long so this will be your go-to site for semester exam review.  


You have access to all of your grades on illuminate, by way of computer or phone app.  It is YOUR job to monitor your grades.  If you see that you have missing assignments on illuminate it is YOUR job to go to Google classroom to download and print your missing assignments to complete and turn in.  If you don’t have computer access at home or a smartphone we have a computer lab in the Library.    


Classroom Policies:


Many of the cool fun things that you see in the classroom are my personal property (Fish, Hamster, lab equipment, taxidermy mounts).  These are the things that make science fun and doing activities possible.  So respect my stuff, and I will let you use it and we can do fun things. If you don’t respect my stuff then my stuff goes away.


Successful completion of this course requires your daily work and attention to the lesson.


Be in your seat before the bell rings and have a book, laptop, and paper and pencil ready.


Numerous absences will have a negative effect on your grade (due to missing classroom discussions, labs, etc.).  Exceeding 10 absences in a semester could result in loss of credit and having to re-take the class.


It is your responsibility when you’re absent to ask what notes or worksheets you have missed.

Missing worksheets can be found in the back of the room on the counter, and on Google classroom for download.


A separate notebook is recommended.  Material from notes will appear on tests.


Use of a daily planner/notebook is recommended to keep track of assignments.  Students are responsible for keeping track of due dates (homework, tests, etc.)


Students will remain in their assigned seat until released by instructor.  Once a student is done with the required work, they should bring other material to study.


Tardy policy:    Excessive tardies will result in a reduced grade and a referral to the office.  If you are more than 10 minutes late to class, it will result in an absence for the period. 

* excessive tardies will result in a referral to the principal and assignment of Saturday school hours.


No eating or drinking during class.


No hats or inappropriate clothing worn in class.


No Use of cell phones without teacher permission.


Student Chromebooks are only used during class with permission (for biology purposes only).


Participation in classroom instruction is encouraged.  Please share knowledge, experiences, questions, etc.


Individual help is always available.  If you would like to meet after school, let me know so we can arrange a meeting ahead of time.

Classroom courtesy is required (raising hand for questioning / participation, doing your own work, staying seated during class time, working individually and quietly, being on time, etc.)

  • Contact with parents, referrals, suspensions for infractions.
  • Cheating – 1st time → failure of assignment/test, 2nd time → referral to building principal.

Please sign below indicating that you have read this syllabus and understand classroom policies



