• Syllabus:  There is a syllabus on Google Classroom for students to use as reference.

    Google Classroom: 

    All assignments are posted and collected via Google Classroom.  Students in person and virtual can clearly see all assignments, necessary paperwork to complete these assignments, and deadlines via Classroom.  If students lose their paper copy of an assignments, they are reminded that a digital replacement can be found on Classroom.  If you wish to be added as a parent/guardian to your child's Classroom, please email me their name and class and I will set that up.


    Virtual Students: 

    I have clearly and repeatedly instructed students in all subjects and grade levels, that if they are absent due to quarantine, or any reason where they are absent an extended period of time, they are join the class via zoom.  AP students especially should be hearing instruction first hand.  Service and Drama students can still participate in group discussion and view performances.  Yearbook students can use any mode of technology to both do their work and stay in communication from outside the classroom.  

Last Modified on August 29, 2023