• Drafting and Design Syllabus     2020-2021


    Two-Year Program One Hour Per Day


    Instructor: Mr. Warner                           Room: V-612   Phone: 635-3839       ext. 5923  

    Email- lwarner@eupschools.org

    Website Address- http://sault.eup.k12.mi.us/Domain/465

    Phone- (906) 635-3839 ext. 5922

    Conference Period- 3th hour



    Drafting and Design (15.1301-Drafting and Design Technology)

    In this course, you will learn principles of architectural and mechanical drafting including sketching, drafting instruments, lettering, symbols and abbreviations, dimensioning, line types, material schedules, blue print reading, drafting views, scale, and measurement. You will learn methods of CAD (computer aided drawing) drafting, CAD files, manual (board) drafting, 3D printing, architectural design, styles of architecture, properties of materials, understanding manufacturing processes, product engineering, evaluating production documents, interpreting regulations and code, and employability skills.

              You will be able to apply your personal area of interest in the development of a product such as interior design boards, CAD animations, mechanical and architectural sketches, 3D printed prototypes, structural models, architectural drawings, and mechanical drawings.



       Textbooks: Architecture residential drawing and design Technical Drawing, Inventor Auto CAD

        Software: Inventor 2017, Envisioneer 13 2017, PlasmaCAM 2017, Autodesk/AutoCad 2018, Revit 2020

                          and Sweet Home 3D 2015



    All students will be required to meet the Sault Area Career Center’s employability portfolio requirement in preparation for their senior exit interview.  Components are the portfolio include (but not limited to):


                Career Center Application

                Cover Letter

                Resignation Letter

                Thank you Letter

                Interview Questions

                2 teacher recommendation forms

                Certifications (if applicable)



    Students can earn articulated credit at colleges and universities both in Michigan, as well as at out of state institutions, if an articulation agreement is in place.  Articulation credit allows a student to earn college credit for specific courses that align to this program of study at cost to the student.  

    Current articulation agreements in place:

         Lake Superior State University

         Davenport University

         Baker College










    NOCTI – Comprehensive Final Exam



    Semester Grade =       40% 1st quarter

                                        40% 2nd quarter

                                        20% semester exam



    The grading scale is as follows:

    100-93 is an A                             73-76 is a C

                90-92 is an A-                              70-72 is a C-

                87-89 is a B+                              67-69 is a D+

                83-86 is a B                                63-66 is a D

                80-82 is a B-                               60-62 is a D-

                77-79 is a C+                              0-59 is an E



    Marking period make up:  classroom objectives, assignments, and quizzes and tests 

    • Classroom Objectives: Is the ability to participate in hands on training activities, staying focused on one’s project, and participating with the cleanup of one work area.
    • Assignments: Consist of reading materials and responding to written prompts, writing essays, and producing sketches.
    • Quizzes and Tests: Consist of formal written assessments, and informal demonstrations of skills
    • Make-up policy: If a student is absent and/or falling behind in class he/she needs to make arrangements with the instructor for help. A student who has missed a day is still required to make up any missed assignments



    Cheating or dishonesty of any kind will not be tolerated.  Any student found cheating will receive a failing grade on that exam or assignment and may be subject to removal from the course.  Students are expected to do their own work.  Submitting the work of another person as your own is cheating.  As a law enforcement student, you will be held to a higher standard of expectations.



            Regular attendance and punctuality is very important; students with good attendance do better. We will follow the school attendance policy regarding absence and tardiness. It is the responsibility of the student to ask for missed assignments. When there are no classroom assignments students are given daily objective points for staying active and focused on their project. A student who has missed a day is still required to make up missed daily points. Students can make up daily points with a course related article summary. If a student’s situation results in an extended excused absents please make prior arrangements for assignments. Unexcused absences may not be made up.  



    Cell Phone and Electronics Policy:

    Cell phones are not to be out or in use at any time. Headphones ore earbuds are not to be out or in use at any time. (This policy is displayed in the classroom). Acceptable use of cell phones is strictly with the teacher permission, which includes: Use as a calculator, or research. Confiscated cell phones will be taken to the front office.








    • Class begins when the bell rings. You should be at your assigned worktable so attendance can be taken and be able to listen to assignment.
    • No students are to leave the classroom without permission.




    As part of our CTE program, you will be expected to participate in either a CTSO (SKILLS USA) or in a leadership experience in our program.  SKILLS USA competitions will be available and will be introduced by the instructor to provide more information on the program and how you can participate.  Other leadership opportunities will be made available for those that cannot participate in SKILLS USA.  The purpose of this it to provide leadership experience within this program prior to completing the course.  We will work on expanding your soft skills, as well as your technical skills in this course.  

    Remote Learning:

    When remote learning is necessary students are required to participate in all activities of this course. This will include checking in for attendance and doing assignments. Student’s will be using, but not limited to platforms of interactions such as: Google classroom, zoom, google meets, digital textbooks, and school E-mail account.

    COVID 19 Classroom Procedures

    • Masks are to be worn at all times.
    • Students are to enter the room and take assigned seat.
    • Students are to only use bathrooms with request during class period (handwashing required).
    • Students will be responsible to disinfect desk surfaces and working equipment.
    • Water bottles are allowed in classroom (filled only at designated filling stations)
    • Students will be dismissed from their seats at the end of the class period



    Segment 1: Drawing Fundamentals (1st semester)

    Segment 2: Introduction to Architectural drawing (1st semester)

    Segment 3:  Project planning (1st semester)

    Segment 4: Site planning (1st semester)

    Segment 5: Structural Systems (1st semester)

    Segment 6: Building Systems (2nd semester)

    Segment 7:  Schedules & Documentation (2nd semester)

    Segment 8: Working Drawings (2nd semester)

    Segment 9: Codes & Specifications (2nd semester)

    Segment 10: Architectural Presentation (2nd semester)

    Segment 11: Building Materials & Sustainability (1st semester)

    Segment 12: Leadership (2nd semester)


Last Modified on September 8, 2020