• Algebra 1 is a year-long course  designed to balance procedural skill and fluency, conceptual understanding, and the application of mathematics to solve problems and formulate models as called for by the Common Core State Standards.  Topics you will learn:  Solving Equations and Inequalities, Linear Equations, Linear Functions, Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities, Piecewise Functions, Exponents and Exponential Functions, Polynomials and Factoring, Quadratic Functions, and Solving Quadratic Equations. Materials required include a notebook, pencil, colored pencils, graph paper, and scissors. A textbook, workbook and chromebook will be provided by the district.

    • Grades will be updated weekly.

      Weighted Grading

      Algebra 1

      Homework/Projects/Discussions 30%

      Tests (One per chapter) 40%

      Quizzes ( 5-7 per chapter) 30%


      Extra credit will be offered on a limited basis.


      Late Work

      All assignments are due on the assigned due date.  If a student needs more time on an assignment, communicate with me before turning in an assignment late.  All late work will be given credit based on effort and timeliness.  If turning in work late becomes a consistent issue, we will need to schedule a meeting to understand the causes and effects of the student's late work. 

      If there is any missing work, it will be a 0 in the gradebook until it is turned in.  It is up to the student to turn in any missing work before each unit ends.

      Completing work on time is extremely important. Submissions outside of the submission window may be any of the following based on effort.   

      1. Penalized by deducting marks for each day past the end of the submission window.
      2. Automatically given a minimum grade. (zero)
      3. Given no feedback/comments.


      A final semester exam will be administered in each course. Semester weights include:

      Quarter 1 40%

      Quarter 2 40%

      Final Exam 20% 

      The same applies for the second semester.

      Academic Dishonesty: Academic dishonesty of any kind will not be tolerated in this course.  Students are expected to perform all assigned work themselves unless otherwise noted. Any form of cheating may result in an F for the assignment/assessment. Talking during an assessment or having visible technology during an assessment will result in a zero. 
Last Modified on September 5, 2023