• Mrs. Gardner 


    General Information

    Google Classroom is the platform used to manage this class:

    Google Classroom is used to:

    • Digitally organize, distribute, and possibly collect assignments and course materials (think: videos, websites, PDFs, and more). 
      • When an assignment is posted, it is automatically added to your students' calendar for them to see.
      • Each lesson posted includes:
        • Lesson Objective
        • List of new vocabulary
        • A set of directions including the assignment associated with the lesson
        • Attached to the lesson students will find
          • A digital/editable copy of the notes provided in class
          • A resource video for students to reference if absent or struggling with content.
          • A question parking lot for students to indicate which problems they would like to see worked out in class.
    • Communicate with students about their classwork. 
      • Students can private message me regarding their work.

    Our Primary Learning Platform is Savvas.

    • All students have been provided with a username and account through which they access assignments and assessments.
      • Pearson/Savvas will provide a variety of resources for students to access while completing assignments including, but not limited to the following:
        • question help
        • video support
        • similar problems the student can attempt if unsuccessful the first time.
      • Assignments will include a due date by which the assignment should be submitted.
      • Students will receive immediate feedback upon submission of the assignment.

    Remote Learning:

    • Please review google classroom post for the days missing.


    Other topics:

    Quiz Remediation

    Students who earn less than 80% on pearson online quizzes and have earned at least 70% on homework may “remediate” the quiz by successfully completing and electronically turning in the addition practice generated by the pearson program BEFORE the day the unit test is given. Successful remediation will raise the quiz grade to 80%.

    Quiz REMEDIATION Process:

    1. Earn no less than 70% on the homework assignment for that section.

    2. Complete and turn in the Additional Practice/Remediation assigned by Pearson BEFORE the Unit Test is given.

    3. Remediations will be checked weekly when possible.

    2 point persepective directions


    Honors Geometry 2023/2024 Syllabus

    Contact Information:

    Email- dgardner@eupschools.org

    Website address- http://www.saultschools.org/Domain/137

    Phone- (906) 635-3839 ext. 5869

    Conference Period- NA


    Honors Geometry, Course Description:

    Prerequisite: C or higher in Algebra I

    Honors Geometry is a study of geometric figures, planes, and solids in both two and three-dimensional space. Because the development of critical thinking skills is a primary focus of Honors Geometry, students are required to solve direct and indirect proofs. Application of geometric concepts to real-life problems is also emphasized. This is a course requirement for Pre-calculus.

    Purpose Statement:     

    In our ever-increasing technological world, the study of logic and mathematical proof is fundamental for reasoning and good decision making.  The study of geometry offers students the opportunity to develop skills in analytic and spatial reasoning and formal proof, skills essential to the development of deductive reasoning skills that can be applied to both mathematical and real-world problem contexts.

    Course Content:

    The fundamental purpose of this course in Geometry is to formalize and extend students’ geometric experiences from the middle grades. Students explore more complex geometric situations and deepen their explanations of geometric relationships, moving towards formal mathematical arguments. Close attention will be paid to the introductory content for the Geometry conceptual category found in the high school CCSS. The Mathematical Practice Standards apply throughout each course and, together with the content standards, prescribe that students experience mathematics as a coherent, useful, and logical subject that makes use of their ability to make sense of problem situations.

    Evaluation Criteria:     

    A composite/weighted grading system is used.  All assignments used to calculate the grades are also posted so students will be aware of any missing work.  However, parents/students are encouraged to check grades online using the Family Access component of the MiStar program.  Our school employs a semester grading system with report cards issued to students four (4) times during the course of the school year.  A term will be approximately nine (9) weeks.  Final grades are calculated on a semester basis.  The final grade calculation is based on 40% for each of two marking periods and 20% of the final exam.    


    Letter Grades:                                                            

    A+ = 100           A = 93-99          A- = 90-92                        

    B+ = 87-89        B = 83-86          B- = 80-82                        

    C+ = 77-79        C = 73-76          C- = 70-72                         

    D+ = 67-69        D = 63-66          D- = 60-62                                

    E = 0-59

    Quarter Grades: 

    Tests:               60%  

    Quizzes:           20%

    Assignments:  20%


    Semester Grades:

    40% First Quarter

    40% Second Quarter

    20% Final Exam


    Chapter tests are given at the end of each chapter.  All assessments must be written in pencil. Also, any student suspected of plagiarism or cheating on a test or quiz will receive a 0 for that particular evaluation and forfeit any retake on that evaluation.

    Test Retakes:  Once or twice during a semester when covering particularly challenging concepts, test retakes will be available before or after school.  Eligible students may earn no more than 70% on a retest.  Specific times for a test retake will be announced in advance so that students can make schedule and transportation arrangements.


    One project may be assigned per quarter; each project counts as a test grade.


    Short Quizzes will be given periodically throughout chapters.  All assessments must be written in pencil.  Remediation is available on quizzes. 


    Homework/Classwork:  Assigned almost daily, homework may be digital/online or paper/pencil; it is essential that homework/classwork assignments be completed.  Incomplete assignments affect not only the homework grade, but also performance on quizzes and tests. Homework may be collected, scores taken orally or checked with a homework quiz.  Again, any student suspected of plagiarism or cheating will receive a 0 for that assignment.  

    Late Work: 

    All assignments are due on the assigned due date.  If a student needs more time on an assignment, communicate with me before turning in an assignment late.  All late work will be given credit based on effort and timeliness.  If turning in work late becomes a consistent issue, we will need to schedule a meeting to understand the causes and effects of the student's late work. 

    If there is any missing work, it will be a 0 in the gradebook until it is turned in.  It is up to the student to turn in any missing work before each unit ends.


    Make-up Work:

    While attendance is understood to be a major indicator of student success, I realize there will be times when a student will be absent.  For this reason, make-up work will be evaluated as follows: A student will be given one day to turn in work for each day they have missed.  A student is allowed ten (10) absences per semester.  After ten (10) absences, their work will not be scored.  Absences excused by a medical professional, school related absences, and absences excused by an administrator will not be figured into one of the ten (10).


    Classroom Expectations:

    • All students will come to class prepared to learn. You should come to class with the proper items for learning, such as a pencil, paper, calculator and any other items necessary.  You should also be attentive during instructional time and give your best effort on all assignments.  Lastly, we are all responsible to make sure that our actions do not distract others in the class from being able to learn.

    • Each student deserves to feel safe expressing their thoughts and feelings in the context of our material and the learning process.  Comments or actions unkind to other students will not be tolerated.  

    • I expect that you will treat me, as well as each of your classmates, with the same respect.  Therefore, we will not interrupt when others are speaking, we will not take or use things that belong to other people, and we will be considerate of one another.

    • We will not do anything in our classroom that would be a distraction to the ability of other students to learn and other teachers to teach.  We will also treat the building, the classroom materials, and the other individuals in the building with respect.  


    Electronic Device Policy

    • Electronic devices/devices with internet capability are not allowed in class without explicit permission from the teacher. Visible electronic devices will be confiscated and taken to the office.


    Classroom Procedures:

    Seating Chart:

    There will be a seating chart for this class.  You are expected to sit in your assigned seat every day, unless otherwise instructed.

    Paper Headings:

    The following information should be written in the upper right-hand corner of every assignment that you turn in to me:  your full name (first and last), your hour, the date and your assigned calculator number. See the example below:

    Name ______________________________Hour ___

    Date: ___/___/___ Score:               Calculator # ____



    You are tardy if you are not in your assigned seat when the bell rings.  Tardiness will be handled as per the handbook.


    The bell does not dismiss you at the end of class.  I will dismiss you.  You must be in your assigned seats until I dismiss you.

    Concluding Thoughts:

    I am available before and after school to assist students most days during the week.  Students may also schedule specific times before and after school to make up tests or receive extra help.  Parents are encouraged to email, dgardner@eupschools.org, or telephone, 635-3839 extension 5869.   I look forward to a successful year working with your son/daughter.


     **Terms of this document are subject to change**


    Additional Study Resources                                           








































































    Packet 13


















































Last Modified on September 22, 2023